2024 RASA Conference
Dear colleagues, Dear Friends! The XV annual conference of the Russian American Science Association (RASA) will take place on November 16-17, 2024, at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC and will be dedicated...
Dear colleagues, Dear Friends! The XV annual conference of the Russian American Science Association (RASA) will take place on November 16-17, 2024, at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC and will be dedicated...
George Gamow® award , established by the Russian-American Association of Scientists (RASA-America, Russian-American Science Association) in memory of the outstanding Russian-American physicist, Professor Georgy Antonovich Gamow (1904-1968) and to encourage members of the Russian-speaking scientific...
Dear colleagues, Dear Friends! The XIV annual conference of the Russian American Science Association (RASA) will take place on October 14-15, 2023, at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois and will be dedicated to 150th anniversary of...
G.A. Gamow award, established by the Russian-American Association of Scientists (RASA-America, Russian-American Science Association) in memory of the outstanding Russian-American physicist, Professor Georgy Antonovich Gamow (1904-1968) and to encourage members of the Russian-speaking scientific diaspora for outstanding achievements recognized by the wider scientific community, for 2022 is awarded to Alexandra Zhernakova and Igor Alabugin.
Conference RASA-America, November 18-20, 2022, University of La Verne, Los Angeles, CA The Russian-American Science Association annual conference will be held in November 18-20, 2022 in the University of Laverne, Los Angeles, CA. The conference...
Mark Lipovetsky Vadim Gladyshev The George Gamow® Award, established by the Russian-American Science Association (RASA), was awarded in 2021 to Mark Lipovetsky (Columbia University) – for original studies of modern Russian...
The XII annual conference of the Russian-American Science Association (RASA) will be held on November 20-21, 2021.
Sakharov 100: Celebrating Andrei Sakharov’s Contributions to Science and Humanity May 21, 2021 11:00 am to 4:00 pm EST To commemorate the 100th birthday of famed physicist and human rights activist Andrei Sakharov, a...
December 5-6, 2020, Virtual Conference Dear colleagues and friends! A worldwide conference of the Russian-speaking academic scientists association (“RASA-Global”) along with the XI Annual Conference of the Russian-American Science Association – RASA (America) will...
The 2020 RASA George Gamow Award The George Gamow® Award is founded by the Russian-American Science Association (RASA) in memory of the outstanding Russian-American physicist, Professor George Antonovich Gamow (1904-1968), to recognize members of...
RASA-2019 Conference Program 2019_RASA_Corrected_FINALDownload Vladimir Shiltsev (Distinguished Scientist, FermiLab) “Mendeleev – Genius: Table and beyond (vodka, ether, coffee and economy)” (in Russian) Anatoliy Popov (Associate Professor of Radiology, U of Pennsylvania)“Smart NIR fluoroprobes...
November 8-10, 2019, Chapel Hill, NC Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 9thAnnual conference of the Russian American Science Association RASA-America that will be held on November 8-10th,...
November 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Conference Chair: Alexander Kabanov / LOC Chair: Igor Efimov / Program Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev / Gamow Award Committee Chair: Vadim Gladyshev RASA2018_Booklet_v4a ABRIKOSOV_Session 2018_1 N Avanesov RASA2 Borisova_RASA18 Butler_Advent of...
The ninth RASA-America Conference held in American University and University of George Washington on November 2-4, 2018 in Washington, DC has completed its work. The Association’s Coordinating Committee added four new members – Tatiana...
Eugene Koonin Andrei Linde The 2018 RASA-America G. A. Gamow Award The G.A. Gamow Award is founded by the Russian-American Science Association (RASA-America) in memory of the outstanding Russian-American physicist, Professor George Antonovich Gamow...
Nov. 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th Annual conference of the Russian American Science Association RASA-America that will be held on November 2-4th,...
Conference Chair/Organizer :Vladimir Shiltsev, Lyudmila Shuvalova All materials are available at: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/14210/
Conference Chair/Organizer: Valery Fokin, Slava Turyshev Space post card RASA USA _4 Space post card RASA USA _2 Shiltsev_Rus_MegaS_v1 RASA_2016_Program_ENG_COMBINED_FINAL RASA_2016_Program_ENG_COMBINED_FINAL Booklet complete FINAL Space post card RASA USA_3 Space post card RASA USA_1
Conference Chair/Organizer: Nikolai Vasilyev, Igor Efimov Программа 2015_RUS_FINAL Программа 2015 EN_FINAL Пресс-Релиз_Конференция_RASA-USA_RUS Пресс-Релиз_Конференция_RASA-USA_ENG Shiltsev_RASAUSA2015_v2 Moskalenko_RASA Master_Program_ENG_Bios_updated GAMOW_SESSION_1 GAMOW_POSTER_v2 Gamow Award v3
Conference Chair/Organizer: Artem Oganov / Nikolai Vasilyev Speakers_RASA_2014_bios_final Shiltsev_RASA_2014_TALK2 Shiltsev_RASA_2014 Sagdeev_RASA_2014 Program_RASA_Boston_2014 Predlozheniya_RASA_final Ogorodova_RASA_2014 Oganov_RASA_2014 Myagkov_RASA_2014 Lebedev_RASA_2014 Kabanov_RASA_2014b Goncharov_RASA_2014 Gogotsi_RASA_2014 Fertman_RASA_2014 Erlinger_White_RASA_2014 Artem_RASA_v4 Aicher_RASA_2014 Zakharov_RASA_2014 Vinogradsky_RASA_2014 Valamat-Zade_RASA_2014 ValamatZade_FNE_RASA_2014 Ufimtsev_RASA_2014