Russian-American Science Association Blog

Proceedings of the 9th Conference of RASA-America

November 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Conference Chair: Alexander Kabanov / LOC Chair: Igor Efimov / Program Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev / Gamow Award Committee Chair: Vadim Gladyshev RASA2018_Booklet_v4a ABRIKOSOV_Session 2018_1 N Avanesov RASA2 Borisova_RASA18 Butler_Advent of...

Ninth RASA-Amercia Conference Completed

The ninth RASA-America Conference held in American University and University of George Washington on November 2-4, 2018 in Washington, DC has completed its work. The Association’s Coordinating Committee added four new members – Tatiana...

A genius forgotten in his homeland

Ivan Ostromislensky 9 September 1880, Orel, Russian Empire – 16 January 1939, New York, USA Ivan Ostromislensky (Иван Иванович Остромысленский) — Russian and American chemist, one of the pioneers in manufacturing of the synthetic rubber....

Roald Sagdeev – 85

Professor Roald Sagdeev, an outstanding physicist, one of the founders of RASA-America, has turned 85 on December 26, 2017. It is our honor and priveledge to congratulate him and post materials dedicated to his...

The Last of the Mohicans

Otto Struve August 12, 1897, Kharkov, Russian Empire — April 6 1963, Berkeley, CA, USA Otto Struve (Отто Людвигович Струве), a Russian-American astronomer, one of the greatest astrophysicists of the 20-th century, was born in Russian...

Man of the Soil

Selman Waksman July 22, 1888, Nova Pryluka, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire – August 16, 1973, Woods Hole, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States Selman Abraham Waksman (Зельман Абрахам Ваксман), an outstanding American microbiologist, was born in the Russian...

Sergei Kalinin – Recipient of Blavatnik Award

Sergei V Kalinin (Сергей Калинин) director of the Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a recipient of the Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Physical Sciences and Engineering. He...

He showed up as a foreigner on our shores…

Jacob Tamarkin June 28 (July 11) 1888, Chernigov, Russian Empire — November 18 1945, Bethesda, Montgomery, MD, USA Jacob David Tamarkin (Яков Давыдович Тамаркин) – outstanding Russian-American mathematician, best known for his work in mathematical analysis. Graduated...

A hero fighter pilot, an aviation pioneer

Alexander de Seversky May 24, 1894, Tiflis , Russian Empire (now Tbilisi, Georgia) – September 24, 1974, New York, USA Alexander de Seversky (Александр Николаевич Прокофьев-Северский) – Russian and American inventor, aircraft designer. During...

2018 George Gamow award

Russian-American Science Association (RASA-America) is pleased to announce that it plans to award two George Gamow Awards in 2018. The awards will be given to members of the Russian-speaking diaspora working in America for...

8th Annual Vladimir Zelman distinguished lectureship

Eighth Annual Vladimir Zelman, Distinguished Lectureship by Pete Worden, PhD, Chairman of the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, Former Director of NASA Ames Research Center “The Breakthrough Initiatives — A search for life in the universe and interstellar...