Category: News

A Russian-born American defense leader

George Kistiakowsky November 18, 1900, Kiev, Russian Empire – December 7, 1982, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA George Kistiakowsky (Георгий Богда́нович Кистяко́вский) was born Kiev, Russian Empire in the family of a professor of law of Kiev University....

Proceedings of the 9th Conference of RASA-America

November 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Conference Chair: Alexander Kabanov / LOC Chair: Igor Efimov / Program Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev / Gamow Award Committee Chair: Vadim Gladyshev RASA2018_Booklet_v4a ABRIKOSOV_Session 2018_1 N Avanesov RASA2 Borisova_RASA18 Butler_Advent of...

Ninth RASA-Amercia Conference Completed

The ninth RASA-America Conference held in American University and University of George Washington on November 2-4, 2018 in Washington, DC has completed its work. The Association’s Coordinating Committee added four new members – Tatiana...

A genius forgotten in his homeland

Ivan Ostromislensky 9 September 1880, Orel, Russian Empire – 16 January 1939, New York, USA Ivan Ostromislensky (Иван Иванович Остромысленский) — Russian and American chemist, one of the pioneers in manufacturing of the synthetic rubber....