2020 George Gamow Prize – nominations open

Russian-American Science Association (RASA-America) is pleased to announce that it plans to award two George Gamow Prizes in 2020. The Prizes are awarded since 2015 to members of the Russian-speaking science diaspora for outstanding contributions to science.
George Gamow is a Soviet and American physicist and popular educator. He made pioneering contributions to the theory of alpha-decay, Big Bang theory and application of nuclear physics to evolution of stars. He also made a notable contribution to biology by being the first to clearly formulate the genetic code problem. He is well-known for his popular books where he clearly and simply described complex modern science concepts through an example of his hero, Mr. Tompkins. Gamow was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR and a member of the National Academy Sciences of USA.
Nominations should be sent prior to July 1, 2020, at [email protected] (Dmitri Denisov, Chair 2020 George Gamow award committee). Any field of science is eligible. The list of prior awardees and additional information about prize award processes are presented here.