2020 RASA Global Сonference

December 5-6, 2020, Virtual Conference
Dear colleagues and friends!
A worldwide conference of the Russian-speaking academic scientists association (“RASA-Global”) along with the XI Annual Conference of the Russian-American Science Association – RASA (America) will take place on December 5-6, 2020. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held in a virtual format and around the clock, which makes it possible to combine in a single program presentations of Russian diaspora scientists working in America, Asia and Europe. This year the Conference will be dedicated to outstanding members of the Struve science family, astrophysicist Otto Ludwigovich Struve and historian and economist Pyotr Berngardovich Struve, whose 150th birthday is celebrated this year.
The conference will feature scientific presentations of established and young Russian-speaking scientists from different countries and regions across the World. The speakers at the scientific sessions and round table discussions will represent diverse scientific areas including – mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, humanities and others. Among the invited speakers are biologists Evgeny Koonin and Ruslan Medzhitov, economist Sergei Guriev, the 2020 laureates of the RASA George Gamow® Award material chemist Yury Gogotsi and physicist Mikhail Lukin. The president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeev will also take part in this meeting. Traditionally, the Conference is a platform for meetings and exchange of views between scientists, science organizers, innovators and entrepreneurs.
We invite you to take part in the Conference. Additional information will be disseminated through our site https://rasa-usa.org/ , our Facebook page and media.
Conference Organizing Committee
- Tatiana Bronich, organizing committee co-chair
- Vadim Gladyshev, organizing committee co-chair
- Oleg Gusev, member
- Alexander Kabanov, president RASA-America
- Leonid Krivitsky, member
- Igor Efimov, program committee chair
- Vladimir Shiltsev, program committee secretary
- Elena Atochina-Vasserman, vice-president RASA-America
- Gleb Sukhorukov, member
- Tatiana Tatarinova, youth chapter leader
Invited Speakers and Panelists
- Igor Adameyko
- Igor Alabugin
- Alexander
- Konstantin Arutyunov
- Alexander Aryshev
- Anton Bankevich
- Yuri Balega
- Mikhail Belkin
- Vsevolod Belousov
- Natalia Berloff
- Alexandra Boltasseva
- Eugenia Bondar
- Alexandra Borissova Saleh
- Dmitry Budker
- Evgenii Chekalin
- Vladimir Chekhonin
- Anastasiya Chemeritskaya
- Victor Chernozhukov
- Boris Chichkov
- Igor Jouline
- Alexander Kabanov
- Sergei Kalinin
- Maxim Kiruchin
- Yuri Kivshar
- Peter Kharchenko
- Philipp Khaitovich
Sergei Klimenko - Mikhail Kolmogorov
- Evgeny Koonin
- Andrei Korostelev
- Dmitry Kostyunin
- Yuri Kotelevtsev
- Yulia Kovas
- Andrei Korostelev
- Alex Krasnok
- Leonid Krivitsky
- Alex Levin
- Andrey Linde
- Mikhail Lukin
- Sergey Malenko
- Denis Maryenko
- Ruslan Medzhitov
- Andrey Miroshnichenko
- Andrey Mishenko
- Vadim Moshkovich
- Alexey Moskalev
- Khalimat Murtazalieva
- Sergey Netesov
- Artem Oganov
- Alexander Panchin
- Yuri Pekov
- Petr Podalko
- Ekaterina Pravilova
- Yana Safonova
- Alexander Sergeev
- Olga Sindeeva
- Sergei Shandarin
- Valery Shemelin
- Vladimir Shiltsev
- Anastasya Shindyapina
- Yaroslav Shulatov
- Stanislav Smirnov
- Alex Spokoinyi
- Ilya Strebulaev
- Alexander Subbotin
- Gleb Sukhorukov
- Svetlana Sukhishvili
- Elizaveta Taranenko
- Misha Tsodyks
- Timur Tuganbaev
- Sergei Turitsyn
- Ivan Turkevich
- Alexander Tyshkovsky
- Larisa Usmanova
- Vladimir Uversky
- Ekaterina Vinogradova
- Alisa Vyacheslavova
- Andrei Yudin
- Grigory Yudin
- Alex Zhavoronkov
Lectures recordings on YouTube
We gratefully acknowledge support of Pleiades Publishing.