Category: Projects

Roald Sagdeev

Interview with Roald Sagdeev

RASA History Project: The Russian-American Science Association (RASA) is going global. The more important it becomes to focus on the history of our community. Our historical account is self-critical but forward-looking. In 2025, RASA...

Odyssey of an Engineer

Stephen Timoshenko December 23, 1878, Chenigov Province, Russian Empire — May 29, 1972, Wuppertal, West Germany Stephen Timoshenko (Степан Прокофьевич Тимошенко), Russian, Ukrainian and American engineer, who is considered to be the father of...

A Russian-born American defense leader

George Kistiakowsky November 18, 1900, Kiev, Russian Empire – December 7, 1982, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA George Kistiakowsky (Георгий Богда́нович Кистяко́вский) was born Kiev, Russian Empire in the family of a professor of law of Kiev University....

A genius forgotten in his homeland

Ivan Ostromislensky 9 September 1880, Orel, Russian Empire – 16 January 1939, New York, USA Ivan Ostromislensky (Иван Иванович Остромысленский) — Russian and American chemist, one of the pioneers in manufacturing of the synthetic rubber....

The Last of the Mohicans

Otto Struve August 12, 1897, Kharkov, Russian Empire — April 6 1963, Berkeley, CA, USA Otto Struve (Отто Людвигович Струве), a Russian-American astronomer, one of the greatest astrophysicists of the 20-th century, was born in Russian...

Man of the Soil

Selman Waksman July 22, 1888, Nova Pryluka, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire – August 16, 1973, Woods Hole, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States Selman Abraham Waksman (Зельман Абрахам Ваксман), an outstanding American microbiologist, was born in the Russian...

He showed up as a foreigner on our shores…

Jacob Tamarkin June 28 (July 11) 1888, Chernigov, Russian Empire — November 18 1945, Bethesda, Montgomery, MD, USA Jacob David Tamarkin (Яков Давыдович Тамаркин) – outstanding Russian-American mathematician, best known for his work in mathematical analysis. Graduated...

A hero fighter pilot, an aviation pioneer

Alexander de Seversky May 24, 1894, Tiflis , Russian Empire (now Tbilisi, Georgia) – September 24, 1974, New York, USA Alexander de Seversky (Александр Николаевич Прокофьев-Северский) – Russian and American inventor, aircraft designer. During...

Соединение науки и искусства

Материал подготовлен Проф. С. Часовских. “…Что искусство и наука могут, взаимодействуя, дать культуре? 1. Возможность проанализировать в непосредственном взаимодействии противоположную сферу культуры. 2. Возможность посмотреть со стороны на собственные практики. 3. Компромисс в вопросе “физиков...

Development of Cooperation with Russian-Speaking Science Diaspora

Experience, Problems and Perspectives A Joint Report by the Russian Council for International Affairs, Inconsult and RASA-USA (in Russian) [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]