Author: Vladimir Shiltsev
November 8-10, 2019, Chapel Hill, NC Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 9thAnnual conference of the Russian American Science Association RASA-America that will be held on November 8-10th,...
Объединенный Институт Ядерных Исследований опубликовал книгу Виктора Александровича Ярбы “Здесь и там, или Там и здесь. Воспоминания физика.” Виктор Александрович Ярба, профессор, доктор физико-математических наук, один из основателей Ассоциации RASA, в книге своих воспоминаний...
November 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Conference Chair: Alexander Kabanov / LOC Chair: Igor Efimov / Program Chair: Vladimir Shiltsev / Gamow Award Committee Chair: Vadim Gladyshev RASA2018_Booklet_v4a ABRIKOSOV_Session 2018_1 N Avanesov RASA2 Borisova_RASA18 Butler_Advent of...
Professor Roald Sagdeev, an outstanding physicist, one of the founders of RASA-America, has turned 85 on December 26, 2017. It is our honor and priveledge to congratulate him and post materials dedicated to his...
Nov. 2-4, 2018, Washington, DC Dear Friends, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 9th Annual conference of the Russian American Science Association RASA-America that will be held on November 2-4th,...